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  • Writer's picturedeynartandtravel

Why do people hate ?

Hate is without a doubt deeply rooted in public life. It comes from difference in ideologies, mindsets, beliefs, boundaries, likes , dislikes, habits etc. , but it doesn't only comes from that but also from the absence of such differences. We treat each other discordantly because of the way we look or behave, without considering the purpose of our differences.

We compare ourselves with others on a daily basis. We like to think that others are worse than us ex. less inteligent, less attractive, less compassionate etc. We do not like the ones that disagree with us, we can see a clear example of that on a day-to-day basis, browsing through internet, at work and school with friends and family etc. We try to belittle others with vast form of abuse not necessarily physical but also verbal and emotional. The world of social media makes it more accessible to hate and feed on others misfortune, as we feel more anonymous and privileged to make such comments.

We often ignore ethical and moral issues and we form our opinion based on the crowd instead of analysing the facts and deciding for ourselves. We form an opinion based on a simple pre-judgment that is affected by our beliefs, ideologies, boundaries and emotions we ultimately presume who someone is and what they stand for. Categorisation in any situation may lead to a hateful and judgmental approach which makes people lose their jobs, confidence, family, social status... even life in some cases. I think that we are not educated enough as children on logic and constructive thinking , we often formulate opinions by borrowing them from others. We take very little to no time on reflecting on the events read/ heard or experienced. We often forget to step out sometimes and think as a third person just to avoid being biased. Our personality, ideology and mindset is shaped at early stages of our development and the society, ( people ) we are surrounding ourselves with have a big impact on who we are in the future. The categorisations made in our society based on ethnical and cultural background, appearance, political views, religious and non-religious beliefs, knowledge and many more are made every day and are often unsupported by a firm evidence. That should concern not only parents nor teachers, friends nor family members but also religious leaders, political leaders, various groups and associations and all the institutions that have little or large impact on the individual. The time we manage to step out of our comfort zone and leave everything we were brought up to, we hit the moment of self-realisation and we start to understand and see the divide. Belonging to a specific social group became a norm in our society. You rather agree with the most influential people in your community or you are left behind or hated on. In every society we will have people with various views, beliefs and opinions. And that is completely fine as long as we know how to articulate them without being spiteful. Hate without a reason is simply incomprehensible.

The entire post is entirely and only my personal opinion, based on personal observation, personal experiences and research. It is not directed towards anyone or created with the intention to attack but to bring the awareness on the fact that our words and actions affect others.

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