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  • Writer's picturedeynartandtravel

Pursuit of happiness in our DNA ?

The biggest challenge in everyone's life is to find what they really love. That might be directed towards relationships, dreams, goals, work, money and many other factors that affect you and your life. I think the question links with what to do to be happy in life as I think the true happiness comes only from what you feel within. If you are tired and unsatisfied with your job, your relationship or with yourself. You feel like you did not accomplish enough in the past and you feel its too late for it now. That is something everyone goes through at some point of their life. And I won't tell you go and find it within yourself, spend few moments a day on thinking of what you really like or who you really are. And I will simply admit at the start, it is hard to discover. Sometimes you might even know what you want, but you will still struggle to make it work, because of the fear of taking a risk. I know how hard it might be, because I myself struggled with it and I think I still may struggle with it at times.

Every year you are making difficult decisions that may have an impact on your entire life. Starting from small decisions like what you eat or drink, what you put in your body, do you exercise? To big decisions what will I study, who would I want to be, what job I would like to do, who will I end up with. Finding happiness in others is great and might be satisfying for a lot of people. Sometimes you might feel as though something is missing, you are not sure what this might be, but it is some sort of self fulfilment. As humans we like to have goals and plans, as it gives our life a purpose. For some it might be having children, for others career or finding someone to share your life with, they usually go in pairs. If you want to be fully happy with yourself, you have to have something to be proud of, some sort of personal achievement as well as someone to admire it. After realising it all, you still need to be able to find out what you really passionate about, majority of people never find it throughout their life. Why is that ? Because in majority of the situations its comfortable the way it is. Having a job, stable income, family, a little fun with friends from time to time. It is fine even tho we might not like the job we are doing at the moment, the workmates can make it bearable and the money is not too bad. And it is ok to feel comfortable and if you feel like you achieved something to be proud of, that's it. I bet any job even the best one, that you do for 40 plus years will get a little boring. As queen said ' Who wants to live forever' , I say ' Who wants to work forever'. There is certain point in our life when we think we have enough, we want to find something we actually really enjoy, even if that means lowering your income. Some of us know what they want to do in life from a very young age, but decide not to do that due to fear of failure and ambivalence about seizing an opportunity. I don't know really who has it worse, the people that jump from one flower to another trying to find something that really interest them or people that know what they want to do, but they are too scared to pursue it. Nothing left to say but to quote one of the films that illustrates this issue pretty well, I think everyone can relate to Pursuit of Happiness. ' That Maybe Happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it'. Fight for your own happiness and try to find happiness in what you already have, if you cannot try to change the things that make you unhappy. Try to find your passions and interest and maybe even try to change them into a career and lastly but most importantly do not let yourself down by thinking you are not good enough and what people will think about you if you try. The most miserable people are the one that allow others to dictate how their life is going to look like. Go towards your goals with open head, plan if you have to and go with the flow if that works for you. Everyone is different and everyone has their own ways in dealing with things, its not all black and white. Never feel bad for being weird or different, I always tried to embrace it and treat it as an positive attribute rather than a negative one. But I knew people who strived to be considered 'normal' and fit the norm our society dictates. I grew to realise it all does not matter. It doesn't matter if you achieve all you wanted to, the true achievement is happiness. If you are being happy having a family and plenty of children great, you can do small things to make yourself even happier like creating a small business or working with your best friends, but ultimately you were happy in your life and fulfilled. And that is what matters :)

Hope that helps a bit if not well... 'everyone bites a dust' :D

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