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  • Writer's picturedeynartandtravel

Where to shoot real guns dirt cheap.

First of all I wanted to mention I am not really pro or against guns, I think it is important to get an introduction and supervision especially if its your first time shooting. Firearms used without previous training or supervision are incredibly dangerous and can cause more trouble than benefit. Even after training and certification you still need to be extremely careful with it, that is why access to it is understandably limited. I don't think all of this should stop you from trying it out, as it might turn out to be your future hobby. It personally made me more aware of the power of this weapon and how important it is to be careful with it.

shooting range in Poland

I was always curious how does it feel to hold a real gun, I also always wanted to try it out . So is why I was checking for prices on multiple shooting ranges in England. Unfortunately high prices drew me away from trying it. So I had to put it off for later. Fortunately we had an opportunity to travel to Poland to visit my family. Poland is known for its low prices, we thought we might have more luck shooting there than anywhere else and we weren't mistaken. We managed to find pretty affordable shooting range in Kielce ( city in south Poland).

revolver, Poland

To compare : 30 min session including 1 rifle in England costs over £ 20 pp. For the same or lower price in Poland you get about 6 different guns to try out and plenty of ammunition. There is also no time limit, you can buy extra bullets for about 2 zloty per bullet ( about 25/30 pence per bullet).

We got to shoot from different firearms including the rifle, machine gun, glock 22 pistol, shotgun , revolver etc. Apart from that we also used one gun with blank cartridge at the beginning to get used to shooting and realise the difference. Surprisingly the most powerful turn out to be revolver. At some point I was really grateful for having supervision, as a newbie I wasn't really aware what kind of power revolver has (on the movies it seams pretty easy:D) , so the gun slipped out of my hand while shooting thanks to an experienced supervisor it got caught on time before flying into the air. Overall the training and introduction was quick and pleasant and the entire experience a little bit stressful at first but incredibly exiting.

bullet holes , Poland

I know you might not be travelling to Poland any time soon but if you do its a great activity to add to your bucket list. Also the tickets to Poland are amazingly low priced ( most of the time ) you can get yourself a ticket for less than £20 one way. For more on what to visit in Poland , check out my future posts. #happytravels

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